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Timeless Icons – Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

Timeless Icons Sydney Opera house.The Taj Mahal incorporates Mughal and Persian architectural features, but it still stands as one of the most impressive instances of Mughal architecture.

Mughal architecture, in fact, blends an array of styles, including Indian, Islamic, Persian, and Ottoman Turkish architecture.

Timeless Icons – Sydney Opera House

Jørn Utzon, an unknown 38-year-old Dane, won the international competition to design a ‘national opera house’ for Sydney’s Bennelong Point in January 1957.

His vision for a sculptural, curved building on the Harbour broke radically with the cube and rectangular shapes of modernist architecture.

As a result, the structure altered his career and the image of a whole nation. Utzon, the architect of Sydney Opera House, forever changed the direction of twentieth-century architecture.

Thousands of people gathered beneath umbrellas on March 2, 1959, in the pouring rain to celebrate the beginning of the Sydney Opera House building project.

Just one week before arriving in Sydney, Utzon brought with him a bronze plaque that he placed where the two halls’ axes were to cross. NSW Premier Joseph Cahill bolted the plaque into place, and the team immediately began jack hammering.

The plaque can still be found on the stairs. The project was completed in three parts: foundation and construction of the platform facing Sydney Harbor, outer shell construction, and interior construction.

Although work began quickly, key structural issues remained unsolved, and certain parts of the podium had to be changed and rebuilt after completion in 1963 to support

Every year, more than 8.2 million tourists come here, and the performing arts center offers more than 2000 events for over one and a half million guests, making it one of the busiest performing arts centers in the world.

Every year, more than 8.2 million tourists come here, and the performing arts center offers more than 2000 events every year for over one and a half million guests, making it one of the busiest performing arts centers in the world.


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