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Umami Telford

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Umami Telford



Umami Telford


Telford, UK




12,000 sqft

The Challenge

Imagine walking into a restaurant where every corner invites you to embark on a global culinary adventure. This was the vision of our client, who dreamt of creating a world buffet restaurant in Telford, UK, that would not only serve an array of international cuisines but also immerse guests in the cultures from which these dishes originate. They sought an environment that combined elegance, sophistication, and a touch of luxury, transforming an ordinary dining experience into an extraordinary journey. From the outset, the client’s brief was clear: they wanted a space that would reflect the diversity and richness of world cuisines, not just through the food but through every element of the restaurant’s design. They envisioned a setting where each section of the buffet would represent a different part of the world, creating a cohesive yet varied aesthetic. The style needed to blend traditional and modern elements seamlessly, exuding an upscale and luxurious vibe. Additionally, the atmosphere had to be both inviting and opulent, ensuring guests felt comfortable and pampered.

The Result

The completed project exceeded the client’s expectations, transforming their vision into a stunning reality. The luxurious world buffet restaurant now stands as a testament to elegance, sophistication, and exceptional design. High-end materials like rich wood panels, luxurious black marble flooring, and stylish red leather couches created a sophisticated and inviting atmosphere, seamlessly blending traditional and modern elements for a timeless yet contemporary feel. Each section of the restaurant evokes different cultural themes, enhancing the global culinary journey with carefully chosen decorative elements that reflect the diversity of world cuisines. This unique blend of aesthetics and functionality ensures guests have a memorable dining experience, with every detail meticulously planned. The client’s vision was fully realised through successful adaptation and enhancement, resulting in a space that delighted them and left a lasting impression on all who visit.